A simple demonstration of finite-state morphological analysis with Xerox formalisms

This is page lists approximate steps taken during the in-class demonstration on 2018-12-17 (this follows a slightly different approach than one taken in the class).

We demonstrate the construction of a typical finite-state morphological analyzer through modeling English noun pluralization. We use xfst and lexc, two well-known FST specification languages, for this exercise. These languages were originally developed by Xerox, and used for constructing morphological analyzers for a large number of languages. For the demo below, you can use one of the free/open source implementations.

To replicate the steps above, you may want to install one of these implementations (follow the links for the installation instructions).

Xfst and Lexc

Xfst is a formalism for specifying finite-state transducers using regular expressions (you may find its regular expression syntax syntax somewhat odd, though). Specifying long list of words may get rather clumsy in in xfst. In practice, it is used with lexc, another formalism designed for specifying lexicons in a more convenient way.

Xfst provides an interactive command-line interface for defining and using FSTs. You can get to this command-line interface by typing hfst-xfst or foma on the operating system’s command line.

We will not go thorough a description of xfst and lexc formalisms here. The descriptions are limited to the examples demonstrated. The authoritative reference for Xerox tools and formalisms is Beesley and Karttunen (2003) (tip: you may find a pre-print copy electronic with a web search). HFST and Foma web pages include some reference documentation and also links to (other) tutorials.

Defining a lexicon

You can define a regular expression on xfst command line using define regex or simply regex command. To define a regular lexicon accepting words cat, cow, bat and fox, we can simply type

hfst[0]: regex {cat}|{cow}|{bat}|{fox};
? bytes. 8 states, 10 arcs, ? paths
hfst[1]: view net
Writing net in dot format to temporary file '/tmp/hfstGFoIiQ'.
Wrote net, closing file and converting into png format.
Converted to png format, viewing the graph.
hfst[1]: define nouns
Defined 'nouns'

The command view net displays the network, which is shown below.

The curly braces makes sure that the symbols of the lexicon is the individual letters. Without the curly braces, the words would be treated as atomic symbols (which we do not want in this case).

The last command, define nouns, assigns a name to the last network defined. From now on, in new regular expression definitions we can simply refer to this FSA as nouns.

In practice, defining a lexicon in xfst like above is rather clumsy. We’d rather use lexc to define the lexicon. For this simple automata, we would create a file with the following contents.

cat #;
cow #;
bat #;
fox #;

If we write the above to a text file with name noun.lexc, we can read the whole lexicon with command read lexc noun.lexc in the xfst interface. Lexc allows a more than simply listing the files, but we will not cover them this short demonstration.

Defining morphotactics

Morphotactics refers to the ordering of morphemes in a word. Here we will only define the English number inflection. Since a noun in English can either be plural and singular, we will simply define an automaton that adds either <PL>, or <SG> when concatenated with the lexicon, which can simply be done with

hfst[0]: regex "<PL>"|"<SG>";
? bytes. 2 states, 2 arcs, ? paths
hfst[1]: define number
Defined 'number'

Note that <PL> and <SG> above are simple symbols for this automaton, but this is fine for our purposes. The notation with angle brackets are also a common way to specify inflections (abstract morphemes) in morphological analyzers. Another common notation is prepending the symbols with a + sign. In our notation above, we eventually want to get the analysis string cat<PL> for word cats. The alternative notation would indicate the analysis of cats as cat+PL. Again we also name our automata, this time with the name number. Now we can concatenate the stems with the inflections:

hfst[1]: regex nouns number;
? bytes. 9 states, 12 arcs, ? paths
hfst[2]: view net

As you can see in the above figure, so far, our network is a simple automaton, defining the “underlying representation” of the words. Our next step is to map this underlying representation to surface words we actually observe.

Morphophonological alternations

Xfst allows context sensitive rewrite rules typically used by linguists for describing phonology, and converts then to corresponding FSTs. For our simple anlyzer, we want all the <SG> morpheme to be replaced by the empty string, while <PL> to be written as s or es depending on the context. The following command defines these alternations.

hfst[0]: regex "<SG>" -> 0 ,, "<PL>" -> s || \[x] _ ,, "<PL>" -> e s || x _;
? bytes. 4 states, 19 arcs, ? paths
hfst[1]: define phon
Redefined 'phon'

The rule above defines three parallel rewrite rules delimited by double comma ,,:

Putting them altogether

Now we can put all together to get our morphological analyzer, and test it.

hfst[0]: regex [nouns number] .o. phon;
? bytes. 11 states, 15 arcs, ? paths
hfst[1]: apply down
apply down> cat<PL>
apply down> cat<SG>
apply down> fox<PL>
apply down> dog<SG>

The definition simply concatenates the noun stems with number inflection, and composes the result with the phonological alternations. The resulting automata generates (converts an underlying symbol to surface) cat<SG> as cat, cat<PL> as _cats and fox<PL> as foxes. Note that dog<SG> was not accepted as dog was not defined in our lexicon.

Our network becomes somewhat complex, but still readable: Note that 00 indicates ε in this visualization.

The above shows how to generate a word from its underlying representation. However, we most often use a finite-state morphology tool as an analyzer. Xerox xfst defines a command apply up that will produce the analysis symbol of a given word. The xfst implementation of HFST does not implement apply up. So, to be able to analyze surface words, we will invert our generator.

hfst[1]: define generator
Defined 'generator'
hfst[0]: regex generator.i;
? bytes. 11 states, 15 arcs, ? paths
hfst[1]: apply
Command apply is not recognised.
hfst[1]: apply down
apply down> fox
apply down> foxes
apply down> foxs
apply down> cat
apply down> cates

The .i operator in xfst inverts a given regular expression. Alternatively we could also use the command invert net without naming (saving) the generator. Note that resulting analyzer gives the correct analyses of the valid words, while rejecting the wrongly inflected versions.

For reference here is the picture of the analyzer:

Closing notes, an exercise

The above only gives a rough overview of what is involved in creating a finite-state morphological analyzer for a language. A more complete morphological analyzer (even for English) may get quite complicated. If you undertake such a task, following usual software development practices (modularize your analyzer, define tests, use version control, …) will be very helpful.


Extend the analyzer above to correctly analyze singular/plural forms of